The Orkin Blog

Stay informed - check out the Orkin Blog for answers to common questions and general information about pests in Canada.

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New Home, Same Old Bugs

Not only are pests unsightly, but they can indicate underlying maintenance or structural issues. So before you open your home for a housewarming party, make sure you are checking off all the boxes when it comes to pest control.

How to Patch a Rodent Hole

Out of all pests, rats just might be the sneakiest. They have an uncanny ability to pop-up seemingly out of nowhere, much to the surprise and horror of all who encounter them. Just how do they pull off this magic act? Like tiny contortionists, rats are able to fit their bodies through impossibly small openings.

Ingredients of a Successful Restaurant IPM

Even a small pest incident can have a significant impact on the success of your restaurant. That’s why it’s so important to keep your restaurant free of those unsavory guests. So, if you want to make your reputation stays out of the frying pan, consider implementing these best practices.

Top Symptoms of a Pest Problem

Whether you work in a hospital, a clinic or a doctor’s office, here are a few of the telltale signs of an infestation you should be watching out for.

Most Common Household Beetles

25,000. That’s how many species of beetles entomologists have identified in North America. Needless to say, these insects can be found almost anywhere — some of their habitats more intrusive than others. And while you may never see most of them, here are a few species that call Canada home:

Where to Find Pests in Your Facility

As hard as you work to keep pests out, you never know when they will creep inside. Food processing facilities are a jackpot for pests - providing the shelter, food, and water they need to survive. That’s why we are here to help narrow down your search for these invaders and provide helpful tips to prevent the pesky intruders.

Odour Control Tips To Prevent Pests

Unpleasant scents can originate from many sources, some of which are outside your control. And eliminating the stench can be tough, as odours with an organic base are persistent and can linger long after the source is removed. In fact, 79% of cleaning professionals say removing odour is their biggest challenge!

Smells Like Success

Did you know we are 100 times more likely to remember something we smell than something we see, hear or taste?

Passing Your Next Facility Audit

From the all-you-can-eat scraps buffet to the countless nesting spots, it should come as no surprise that pests love to frequent these areas. But being aware of the threat isn’t enough to make the grade.

Choosing a Pest Management Provider for Your Franchise

Having the right pest management partner in place can help you avoid these situations altogether. But with so many options, how you do choose the right one?

Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back

We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.

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