Are You the Master of Mosquitoes? Test Yourself
Did you know that mosquitos are found everywhere in the world (except Antarctica)? Every year, these annoying and harmful insects take flight and make their way into your backyard. And nothing is worse than gathering friends and family in your beautiful outdoor space, only to get eaten up by these sneaky blood-suckers.
How To Get Rid Of Rats
Rats can be a nuisance for any homeowner to deal with. As these pests can transmit diseases and can even cause damage to your home and property, thereby compromising the structure and potentially even creating possible fire hazards. Don’t worry, as Orkin Canada is here to help. Using our extensive experience, we’ve put together a list of the six most effective ways to get rid of rats in your home.
Ants: It’s Your Home, Not Theirs
Because ant species behave differently, it’s important to properly identify the type of ant on your property. Some ants, like carpenter ants, are most likely to cause structural damage around your home by chewing through wood to make their nests. Other ants, like pavement ants and European fire ants, can be aggressive and are more likely to sting humans. From the sidewalk to the laundry room, these innovative insects are able to build nests in all sorts of places. Potential hot spots for ant activity include the kitchen or pantry, protected places like wall voids or spaces under appliances and warm or humid places near drains, pipes and wiring.
Put Ants Out of Business
While ants may be small in size, their colonies can grow to more than 500,000 individuals. With this many soldiers marching around your property, it’s no surprise they can be notoriously difficult to control. That’s why prevention is key to keeping an ant introduction from turning into a full-scale invasion.
The Cure for Common Healthcare Pests
When patients visit your facility, the last thing they want to see is a bed bug, cockroach or rodent. Negative news travels fast, and a healthcare facility’s reputation can plummet in an instant if pest control issues get out of hand. But more than that, pests can lead to unnecessary health risks to patients, especially those with weakened immune systems. All healthcare facilities have one goal in common, getting and keeping their patients healthy. And even with the highest level of sanitation, pests can easily find their way through the front (and delivery) doors daily.
How To Get Rid of Earwigs
Earwigs are attracted to lights and can become a nuisance on porches and patios, cause damage to plants in gardens and flower beds, and even inside your home. Earwigs also prefer cool, damp areas and being excellent climbers, may enter your home during extended dry periods. Eliminating any potential hiding spots and entry points is key to controlling earwigs.
What’s Your Wildlife IQ? Let’s Put it to The Test
How much do you know about the wildlife you share your surroundings with? Around the world, wildlife captivates with their extraordinary behaviours. But with these activities, comes unpredictability, which can cause disorder or worse. Whether you see them or not, wildlife is all around you, and as it finds its way into cities, it’s important to know how to identify their signs for the health and safety of your home or business.
How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs
Did you know there are over 260 different species of stink bugs in North America? Like any insect, these can find their way indoors from time to time. While most of us aren’t appreciative of any insects in our home, stink bugs can be a nuisance, especially if they choose to visit your home in large numbers.
How Clean Is Your Clean?
With so many products and services to choose from, how do you know which ones are right for your business? Orkin Canada’s disinfection services have your back. As businesses reopen and resume full operations, it’s vital that yours is ready to welcome customers and employees into a safe, disinfected environment.
Don't Let Pests Go On Spring Break: A Reference Guide To Spring Pests
Spring has sprung and the arrival of warmer temperatures means an increase in pest activity across the country. Thousands of insects are emerging from dormant states and are looking for places to spend the mild spring and summer months.
Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back
We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.
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