BC Interior Pest Control
Phone: (250) 765-3714Providing service to Kelowna and surrounding areas in the BC Interior.
View BC InteriorBC Lower Mainland & Valley Pest Control
Phone: 604) 524-5511Providing service to Coquitlam, BC's lower mainland, Valley and surrounding areas.
View BC Lower Mainland & ValleyBurnaby Pest Control
Phone: (604) 434-6641Providing service to Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond and surrounding areas.
View BurnabyPrince George Pest Control
Phone: (778) 715-5165Providing service to Prince George and surrounding areas.
View Prince GeorgeRichmond Pest Control
Phone: (604) 434-6641Providing service to Richmond and surrounding areas.
View Richmond Pest ControlVancouver Pest Control
Phone: (604) 434-6641Providing service to Vancouver, Squamish and surrounding areas.
View VancouverVancouver Island Pest Control
Phone: (250) 382-1222Providing service to Victoria, Comox Valley, Campbell River, Nanaimo and surrounding areas.
View Vancouver IslandThe mild, rainy ocean climate has long been the envy of Canadians looking to escape the cold of more eastern provinces. But the conditions that make British Columbia appealing to humans are exactly the same that make it an ideal home for pests who wouldn’t be able to survive the cold dry winters further east.
The dense vegetation that covers much of British Columbia is home to a wealth of wildlife and associated pests that thrive in the temperate climate. As Canada’s primary gateway to Pacific trade, British Columbia’s harbours also offer some unique challenges for pest control and require continuous monitoring and prevention to ensure that infestations don’t take hold.
Orkin Pros from coast to coast
Orkin Canada has pest control professionals in every province, in cities large and small. There’s no pest problem we can’t travel to. If you don’t see a location listed near you give us a call at 1-800-800-6754 to reach your local branch.
Orkin Canada Head Office
Phone: 905-502-9700 FAX: 905-502-95106205 Airport Road
Mississauga, ON L4V 1E1
100% Satisfaction or Money Back Guarantee
Resolving your pest problem is our #1 priority. If re-treatment is required, we'll provide immediate services at no extra cost. If your expectations are not met, we guarantee a full refund of your service payment.
Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back
We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.
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