Wasps can be territorial and aggressive and become dangerous in large numbers. To help prevent a painful sting, learn how to identify and prevent wasps from taking over your home:

Identifying Wasp Nests

There are many types of wasps, but several common species are more likely to buzz around your property. Each species’ nest is unique and varies by material, shape and location. Be on the lookout for these nests around your home:

  • Hornets. Hornets, also known as yellow jackets, often build their nests in hollow trees, wall voids and inside places like sheds, garages and attics.
  • Paper Wasps.  These tiny pests attach their nests to fences, tree branches, twigs, eaves, doors and window frames.
  • Mud daubers.  Mud daubers build their homes in sheltered sites. Look for these wasps’ nests in building structures and walls.

Wasp Prevention

Habitat modification is key to keeping wasps from settling down in your space. Remove any potential attractors that may encourage wasp activity to prevent a colony from moving into your property:

  • Trim foliage. Bushes, shrubs and trees can all act as potential nesting sites. Keep foliage from overgrowing around your property to discourage wasp activity.
  • Identify entry points and nesting sites. Ask Orkin Canada to help inspect your landscaping and building façade to identify potential entry points or nesting sites. Seal up any openings to keep wasps out.
  • Eliminate food and spills. Keep any food in an air-tight container and clean up spills immediately to reduce food sources on your property.
  • Cover trash. A tight-fitting lid to keep your trash can closed helps prevent wasps from accessing your trash.

If you notice wasp activity or see a nest around your home, contact Orkin Canada before taking matters into your own hands. To learn more about protecting your property against wasps, download our “Wasp 101” guide.

A wasp guide explaining everything you need to know.