Common Pests
While there’s not much you can do about pests on other people’s property, there are steps you can take to protect your own home. Encountering a pest in your backyard is never fun – especially if they’re accompanied by a painful bite. Here are a few of the pests that are most likely to disrupt your celebrations:
- Ticks –Ticks usually hide out in heavily vegetated areas that provide shade from the summer sun. Make sure to mow your lawn and trim back any overgrown vegetation to limit potential tick encounters.
- Mosquitoes – Mosquitoes are attracted to bodies of stagnant water that they turn into their breeding ground. To keep these pests from whining in your ear, eliminate any standing bodies of water that could act as a mosquito nursery.
- Bees & Wasps – Bee and wasp nests vary in location and structure depending on the species. Cleaning any spills and keeping tight lids on trash cans limits the temptation for bees and wasps by eliminating potential food sources. Special licenses may be required to remove these pests from your property, so talk to a pest control professional before taking action.
- European Fire Ants – These fiery fiends travel in large colonies and build their nests in warm, sunny places, dry fields and even in sod in your landscaping. Reducing excess soil and decluttering your backyard is the best way to keep these tiny terrors away.
Pest Prevention
Once pests turn your backyard into their home, it can be tough to get rid of them. Don’t let pests dampen your Canada Day festivities – download this guide to biting and stinging pests to learn more about the dangers of these pests and how to prevent your yard from becoming their next home.
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How to Remove a Tick
After a day full of adventuring, playing or relaxing outdoors, the last thing you want to find is a tick sucking up your blood. While these pests don’t present much of a threat to well-built homes with maintained exclusionary measures, they can be found feeding on humans or pets after spending time outdoors in wooded areas. If you find a tick on yourself or your furry friend, it is important to remove it as quickly and safely as possible.
Everything You Need To Know About Tick Bites
Tick bites frequently produce blisters or rashes on the skin of the victim.
Everything You Need to Know About Ticks
Are ticks ticking you off? Ticks are not only a nuisance, but also can cause serious health issues with the pathogens they transmit. Knowing how to prevent and respond to tick bites is incredibly important to protect you and your family from these blood-sucking pests.
Top Pests Expected To Trend In The Summer Of 2023
Warm weather is around the corner, which means pests that have been overwintering or hibernating will wake up as well as non-hibernating pests will start making an appearance outdoors. Being prepared for those spring and summer pests can have an impact on how enjoyable your time will be at home or at work. Using industry leading expertise, we have put together a comprehensive list on the top 8 pests expected to trend in the summer of 2023. This list will provide a deeper dive into the impact that pests can have on your property, along with prevention tips to keep your home or business pest-free.
Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back
We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.
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