Where Do Bats Hibernate?

While bats in warmer climates may never hibernate, most local species wait out Canadian winters by either heading south or going dormant. Caves, rock crevices, homes, and barns are common places for colonies of bats to seek shelter. As the only local species that hibernates inside buildings during the winter, big brown bats give homeowners the most trouble.

Problems Caused by Hibernating Bats in Winter

Bats generally move as little as possible during winter to avoid burning up their stored fat reserves. However, when woken by loud noises, lights, or raised temperatures, these pests may fly around the house searching for insects. Those unable to find food often die and eventually decay in attics or hollow walls. Residents who happen upon colonies by accident may wake the whole group, causing an intense, panicked commotion. To retain body heat, bats also nestle inside insulation. This behaviour may allow fleas, mites, ticks, and even bat bugs on their bodies to spread throughout homes.

Bat Prevention and Removal

Many hibernating bats return to the same sites every year, travelling up to hundreds of kilometres in the process. As a result, simply hoping to wait out an infestation of sleeping bats is not an effective, long-term solution. After ensuring that no bats are still inside, any openings in a home’s exterior walls or gaps around vents must be sealed. To ensure that bat removal is done right, contact the wildlife experts at Orkin for safe and humane solutions.