Dock Spiders

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  • Colour Brownish-grey, with black and light brown markings
  • Size The adult female body length is around 15mm to 26mm (not including legs), and the male is about half that size
  • Description Dock spiders have two rows of eyes, as well as black and brown markings on their abdomens and striped legs. Dock spiders are one of the largeer spiders native to Canada and a female dock spider could easily cover an adult human hand.
  • Notes Dock spiders have water resistant legs which enables them to walk and glide on top of water.

General Facts

Why do I have dock spiders?

Dock spiders, also called fishing or wharf spiders, like to live in waterfront properties near lakes, ponds, marshes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and woods. Swimming pools, boathouses, and boats may also become infested.

Able to feed on prey almost five times their size, dock spiders have been reported to eat aquatic insects, small fish, tadpoles, and frogs. When weaving their own tent-like nests – or nursery webs – they like to build in tall grasses, between rocks, or under docks.

How worried should I be about dock spiders?

For many people, the size and fierce appearance of a dock spider alone are enough to cause alarm and stress. Dock spiders can also bite when trapped inside clothing, held, or sat or stepped on. Whilst not fatal, the bites are painful, similar to bee stings.

These pests also reproduce at an alarming rate, laying up to 1,000 eggs at a time, so it is important to act quickly if you suspect an infestation. To avoid painful bites, it is best to contact a professional pest control service to remove these pests and their nursery webs effectively.

How can I prevent dock spiders invading?

Limit standing water on property, Keep plants around the shore trimmed, Clear away debris like rock or wood piles

Other pests related to Dock Spiders

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