Chinch bugs

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  • Colour Black and white
  • Size From 3 mm to 4 mm long
  • Description Have black bodies and white, triangular marks on their backs, along with two white wings, small eyes, and slender bodies.

What does a chinch bug look like

Adult chinch bugs are about 3 to 4 mm in length, with black bodies and white, triangular marks on their backs. Immature chinch bugs, called nymphs, are easier to spot on lawns because of their distinctive bright red colour and white stripe markings. While often confused with the beneficial big-eyed bugs, these pests have two white wings, smaller eyes, and more slender bodies.

Chinch bugs Habitat, Diet, Lifecycle


Chinch bugs are common in Southern and Eastern Canada. The insects seek out grass with thick layers of dead leaves, twigs, and other organic material on top to breed and feed. Woodlands, fields, or residential yards are equally inviting to the pests. Because they crave warm weather, they are especially active between May and August.


The insects feed on the sap of grasses by piercing stalks at their base. While they prefer bentgrass varieties, chinch bugs will attack other lawn grasses like bluegrass and red fescue.

Life Cycle/Reproduction

In May and June, adult chinch bugs lay eggs, which hatch within three weeks into wingless red nymphs about half the size of a pinhead. Nymphs slowly darken in colour and grow wings as they mature. Adults live an average of 50 days.

Why do I have chinch bugs

Chinch bugs seek out dry grass growing in dense soil, with thick layers of dead leaves, twigs, and other organic material on top to breed and feed. They are also attracted to woodlands, fields, and residential yards.

They feed on grass sap by piercing stalks at their base. While they prefer bentgrass varieties, chinch bugs will attack other lawn grasses like bluegrass and red fescue.

How worried should I be about chinch bugs

A chinch bug infestation cause grass on warm, dry slopes and near pavement edges to wilt. If left untreated, chinch bugs can destroy entire plants, landscaping, and yards. Also, when crushed underfoot, chinch bugs emit a strong, unpleasant odour.

Chinch bugs gather in groups of as many as 200 in a square half metre, but due to their small size can easily go undetected. Regardless, they quickly reproduce, with eggs hatching after only three weeks.

A chinch bug infestation must be tackled early on to prevent complete destruction of property, as control methods do little to help later. To effectively eradicate chinch bugs, you need professional pest control services.

How can I prevent chinch bugs invading

Maintain lawn, watering weekly, Avoid over-fertilizing the lawn, Don’t cut grass too short, Rake leaves and grass piles, Choose insect-resistant grass

Other pests related to Chinch bugs

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