- Colour Metallic green, blue, purple, light tan, or dull brown
- Size From 9 mm to 15 mm long
- Description Large, bugle eyes, thin bodies, and sickle-shaped mandibles, with markings on their wing covers.
- Notes Tiger beetles also have long legs that help them move extremely fast.
How to identify Tiger Beetles
Tiger beetles are easy to recognize due to their large, bugle eyes, thin bodies, long legs, and sickle-shaped mandibles. Colour varies by species, but most are metallic hues of green, blue, or purple. Others tend to blend into their natural surroundings because they are light tan or dull brown. Most tiger beetles have markings on their wing covers and can be anywhere from 9 to 15 mm in length.
There are over 30 species of tiger beetles found throughout Canada. They are predatory insects with long legs that help them move extremely fast. Interestingly enough, due to their ability to run quickly, when hunting their prey these insects become momentarily blind. This means they have to stop and reorient themselves before resuming the chase.
Signs of an infestation
While tiger beetles do not typically invade homes, they will sometimes enter by accident. The pests tend to live in fields and wooded areas, so hikers may bring them inside within the folds of clothing or on backpacks.
Tiger Beetles Removal
Since tiger beetles are mostly beneficial, homeowners may choose to leave small populations alone. However, if infestations get out of hand, individuals should contact the professionals at Orkin Canada to deal with the problem.
How to prevent Tiger Beetles from invading
To make homes less favourable to tiger beetles, individuals can seal any cracks or gaps found in building exteriors. Additionally, residents should check their clothing/bags for adult beetles after spending extended periods of time outdoors.
Habitat, Diet, and Life Cycle
The insects are found in numerous habitats across the country. Some species live on sandy beaches while others prefer open fields and grasslands. Tiger beetles also inhabit hiking trails, riverbeds, and anywhere there is sufficient space to hunt.
Tiger beetles feed on spiders, other beetles, springtails, grasshoppers, flies, and ants. Some species actively hunt prey while others are ambush predators.
Life Cycle
Overwintering adults emerge in the spring to mate and lay eggs. Young tiger beetles hatch into larvae that pass through three stages of development before reaching adulthood. These are typically white in colour with large heads and humped backs.
Commonly Asked Questions
Why do I have tiger beetles?
Tiger beetles typically live on sandy beaches, open fields, grasslands, hiking trails, and riverbeds, and feed on spiders, other beetles, springtails, grasshoppers, flies, and ants.
They do not usually invade homes, but sometimes enter by accident, or are brought in by hikers within the folds of clothing or on backpacks.
How worried should I be about tiger beetles?
Tiger beetles pose no threat to people and are mostly considered beneficial. Some species are even protected through conservation efforts because they eat harmful pests.
However, due to their large mandibles, tiger beetles can inflict painful bites when handled. Although incredibly rare, if a tiger beetle infestation gets out of hand, you’ll need a professional pest control service to help eradicate these creatures and make sure they don’t return.
Other pests related to Tiger Beetles
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