Pest Control Grand Bend

Professional Pest Control & Wildlife Removal Services in Grand Bend and surrounding areas.

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Grand Bend

Phone: (519) 659-2212

Phone calls are answered 24 hours, 7 days a week
Weekdays: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Weekends: By Appointment Only

Areas Served

Located on the shores of Lake Huron in Southwestern Ontario, lies the quaint town of Grand Bend. The close proximity to Lake Huron, draws a variety of tourists from around the world who may be looking to relax on the beaches of Grand Bend. This close proximity to a body of water can also leave many businesses and homes prone to pest infestations. That’s why Orkin Canada’s team of local pest control professionals are there to help protect the citizens of Grand Bend from potential pest infestations. 

We proudly serve Grand Bend, Shipka, Dashwood, Greenway and surrounding areas.

Pest Control Services In Grand Bend

No property is immune to pest infestations in the town of Grand Bend. This is why it is necessary to get the assistance of a proven pest control provider. With over 70+ years of pest control expertise, you can trust your Orkin Canada technician to get the job done right the first time because we have Pest Control Down To A Science.

Residential Pest Control Services In Grand Bend

Commercial Pest Control Services In Grand Bend

Pests In Grand Bend

The climate in Grand Bend is generally very cold with lots of precipitation throughout the year. These moist conditions provide an ideal environment for pests to thrive year round. During the summer months, insects such as earwigs, mosquitoes and millipedes can be a regular issue for many Grand Bend residents. Birds such as seagulls and pigeons may also be a common pest for many businesses operating by beach areas.

During the winter, rodents, spiders and other overwintering pests look to seek refuge inside buildings or houses to escape harsh winter conditions.

For proven pest control expertise in the Grand Bend area, contact Orkin Canada today!

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Orkin Pros from coast to coast

Orkin Canada has pest control professionals in every province, in cities large and small. There’s no pest problem we can’t travel to. If you don’t see a location listed near you give us a call at 1-800-800-6754 to reach your local branch.


100% Satisfaction or Money Back Guarantee

Resolving your pest problem is our #1 priority. If re-treatment is required, we'll provide immediate services at no extra cost. If your expectations are not met, we guarantee a full refund of your service payment.

Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back

We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.

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