Professional Commercial Goose Control Services
Canadian geese can cause significant issues for business operators, especially for facility operators located close to bodies of water. These pest birds often return to the same areas every year during the warmer months to nest and raise their young.
Removing geese can be challenging because these birds are federally protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. To ensure your business is professionally protected against Canadian geese, your local Orkin Pro will use industry leading expertise and professional goose removal solutions. All goose removal solutions are implemented in accordance with the migratory bird act and other federal, provincial and local legislation.
How Canadian Geese Can Cause Problems For Your Business
If Canadian geese have moved onto your facility grounds, you have likely noticed the negative impact these pest birds can have on your commercial property. The longer these geese roost, the worse the issue can become. Here are a few of the ways Canadian geese can have an impact on your business.
Damage To Lawns And Plants
Canadian geese are heavy grazers, feeding on grass, plants, and crops. Their constant eating can leave lawns and gardens full of bare spots and can cause damage to parks, golf courses and agricultural fields, resulting in stunted growth and lower crop yields.
Mess From Droppings
Canadian goose droppings are more than just a nuisance. The droppings can create unpleasant odours and even disrupt soil health by throwing off the balance of nutrients. A buildup of goose waste can make outdoor spaces unsanitary and unpleasant to use.
Health Hazard
Goose droppings can pose a serious health risk to your staff and customers. Though humans very rarely contract diseases from them, the droppings may potentially carry several pathogens such as salmonella, E.coli, Cryposporidium and many others. Goose droppings can also be a slip/fall hazard because fresh droppings can makes surfaces slippery.
Property Damage
Like other pest birds, the droppings of Canada geese can cause physical damage to be buildings, the uric acid in the droppings can erode surfaces and structures, build-up of droppings can clog gutters and drains, which can lead to costly repairs.
Aggressive Behaviour
Canadian geese can become territorial, especially during nesting season. To defend their nests, Canadian geese may hiss, chase or even attack people or pets if they feel their nests or young are threatened.
Noise Nuisance
When in large numbers the vocalization of Canada geese can be loud, annoying and unpleasant. These sounds may include clucking, cackling and honking used for social communication and bonding.
If you’re noticing these birds on your commercial property, it’s important to take action quickly. At Orkin Canada, we specialize in humane goose removal. Our experienced Orkin Pros ensure proper permits and effective solutions are implemented, giving you peace of mind while keeping your property protected against Canadian geese.
How Does Orkin Canada’s Professional Canadian Goose Removal Service Protect Your Business?
At Orkin Canada, we have over 120+ years of experience and expertise implementing humane goose control solutions. Our team of Orkin Pros employ an integrated management approach to remove and prevent Canadian geese from your commercial property, while ensuring the well-being of your staff, customers and the geese themselves.
Commercial Goose Inspection
At Orkin Canada, we understand that every goose issue is unique. Our team of local Orkin Pros carefully evaluate your specific circumstances, considering factors like your property’s location, layout, causing factors and the size of the goose population. This detailed assessment allows us to create customized strategies that meet your goals and deliver the best possible results.
Canadian Goose Deterrents
The most effective way to keep Canadian geese away from your commercial property is by using legally approved exclusion and non-lethal deterrent methods. These strategies can include the use of lasers, remote controlled boats, decoys, pyrotechnics, and other deterrent techniques tailored to fit your specific property’s needs.
Habitat Modification For Effective Goose Removal
Habitat modification is a key component of successful goose management for your business. Your goose management expert will identify the factors attracting Canadian geese to your property and will provide you with expert recommendations to adjust the environment, making it less appealing for roosting geese or blocking them out. This proactive approach helps prevent geese from nesting on business grounds.
Goose Egg and Nest Removal
An integral part of keeping Canadian Geese off your property is the removal of nests during the spring. Adult Geese will be far more difficult to remove if nests, eggs, and fledglings are evident during any mitigation programs.
Your Orkin Pro will work with the provincial fishing and wildlife department to obtain appropriate removal permit because Canadian Geese are protected species. Once the required permits have been approved, your goose control Orkin Pro will implement the necessary strategies to remove goose eggs and nests to aid in effective control.
Canine Goose Control
Your Orkin Pro may use trained dogs to discourage geese from nesting or roosting on your commercial property. This canine goose control service is highly effective in making your property less appealing to these pest birds while maintaining a humane and compliant process.
Goose Relocation
*Only Available In Cambridge/Kitchener/Waterloo Area
Your commercial Orkin Pro has years of experience and expertise in effectively relocating Canadian geese on your commercial property. Our team of goose relocation specialists employ a comprehensive approach to address geese-related issues on your commercial property, while ensuring the well-being of both humans and the geese.
Common Industries Where Geese Can Pose A Threat
It is important to know that Canadian geese prefer to nest in areas where they can roost (a place where geese regularly settle or congregate to rest at night) and have protection above their heads. They are more drawn to areas that are grassy and have water source nearby such as lakes, ponds, pools and fountains. These common spaces can include:
- Retail Stores (Signage)
- Restaurant & Food Service (Signage, Canopies, Patios)
- Apartment/Multi-Unit Buildings (Balconies, Roof-tops)
- Waste Management Industry (Landfills, Recycling Centres, Dump Areas)
- Outdoor Recreational Areas (Parks, Golf Courses, Soccer Fields, Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts)
- Education (School Fields and Green Spaces, College Stadiums And Outdoor Spaces)
- Hospitality (Hotel Garden Spaces, Outdoor Pool Areas, Hotel Rooftops)
Expert Goose Control for Your Commercial Property with Your Local Orkin Pro
If you have Canadian geese on your commercial property, your local Orkin Pro will be there to assist you. From effective goose control solutions to practical advice on preventing future issues, trust your Orkin goose control specialist to provide you with comprehensive solutions to keep your business protected. For more information about professional goose removal services, contact us today!
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Remove pests from your business, and stop them from coming back
We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation consultation today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.
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