Pest Birds Invading Your Commercial Property? Here’s How to Protect Your Business
Pest birds are more than just a nuisance; they pose serious risks to your business, customers, and employees. From health hazards associated with bird droppings to liability risks that could lead to legal action, pest birds can create significant trouble. Here are some of the key issues pest birds can bring to your commercial property.
Safety Hazard
Bird droppings can pose serious liability risks if left unaddressed. The build-up of bird droppings on sidewalks and paved surfaces creates a serious fall hazard. Droppings are slippery when stepped on, which may cause critical incidents on your property and expose your business to severe legal implications.
Disease Risks
Pest birds can harbour a variety of diseases, from serious viral pathogens like St. Louis Encephalitis or H1N1 to fungal diseases such as histoplasmosis. The scarier part is not only can these birds carry these diseases, but pathogens can also be transmitted through the bird’s droppings. With natural forces contributing to transmission of such pathogens, all it takes is a gust of wind to release faecal dust particles into the air, which can potentially put your patrons at risk of contracting some of the diseases mentioned above.
Related: What every business owner needs to know about pest bird diseases
Blood Sucking Insects
The presence of pest birds roosting on your property can often also mean the introduction of hitch hiking ectoparasites. These blood sucking insects often feed on birds but can feed on humans if birds are not available. Swallow bugs, ticks, chewing lice and bird mites are many of the primary ectoparasites that can commonly be found in areas where pest birds roost.
Structural Risks
Bird droppings contain acid which can erode and damage building components, especially steel. In large infestations, this in turn could compromise the integrity of the structure, making your commercial property a safety hazard.
Bird droppings and nests can also cause thousands of dollars a year in ongoing property maintenance, but their financial implications can be far more costly than simple property repairs. Additionally, if pest birds nest near drainage areas, you may also have to deal with possible plumbing issues, as a bird’s nest or bird debris can block drainage area.
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Bird droppings, nests and debris can be foul smelling and even unsightly to look at. Beyond this, pest birds can also be a noisy nuisance to you and anyone that visits your establishment. This in turn, creates an environment that is both unfriendly and unwelcoming to customers and employees alike.
Along with the aesthetic issues associated with heavy pest bird activity, health and safety organizations may also put the spotlight on your business, costing you not only your customers, but your reputation as well.
Protect Your Business
If you’re a business currently dealing with pest bird activity, don’t fear! Contact your local Orkin Canada branch today for professional support and assistance to have any pest bird issues professionally controlled.
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