The Orkin Blog

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How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are mostly found in bedding, mattresses, on headboards and in bed frames and box springs.

Types of Snakes In Canada

About 26 different types of snakes call Canada home. Most inhabit the southern part of the country, where temperatures are warm.

What Does A Baby House Centipede Look Like?

Baby centipedes look like smaller adults and hatch with four sets of legs. As the baby centipedes mature, they molt six times. Each time they do, they grow one or two new pairs of legs until they reach 15 total.

Are There Mice In Your Walls Or Ceilings?

It has long been accepted that mice live in hidden areas of our homes. While they may not have ornately decorated spaces and doors cut into baseboards as children’s cartoons have taught us, it is reasonable to assume that mice are already in many buildings. Mice, of course, are not uniform in size but they can squeeze through surprisingly small holes to reach spaces that interest them. Few buildings are sealed environments and there are often points of access that allow mice to enter and freely travel in walls and ceilings.

How To Keep Bats Away From Your Home

Bats are beneficial to the environment and help control mosquito populations, but they sometimes get too close for comfort.

The Life Cycle of a Mosquito

The lifespan of adult mosquitoes is dependent on the species; under natural conditions, they can live from a few days to several months. However, in their life cycle , they undergo a complete metamorphosis, comprised of four different stages: the egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Guide To Bed Bug Life Stages

The life span of a bedbug most commonly ranges from four to six months. Some bedbugs may live for years and can go months without feeding.

What Do Baby Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs lay their sticky eggs on the secluded parts of objects like mattresses, behind headboards, couches and other objects close to sleeping quarters. The eggs hatch into tiny sesame sized whitish baby bed bugs in about six to ten days.

What Do Groundhogs Eat?

Ever wonder “What do groundhogs eat?” Knowing what they eat can help with control and prevention. Read on to learn about common groundhog feeding habits.

When Do Squirrels Have Babies?

Grey squirrels have two breeding periods per year, one in mid-summer and another in early spring.

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