Sniff Out Pests: Effective Odour Control Tips
Unpleasant scents can originate from many sources, some of which are outside your control. And eliminating the stench can be tough, as odours with an organic base are persistent and can linger long after the source is removed. In fact, 79% of cleaning professionals say removing odour is their biggest challenge!
Extreme Weather & Pests: How to Protect Your Business When It’s Raining Rats and Moths
Extreme weather is just that—extreme. In a moment, it can change everything, leaving a trail of destruction that can take years and billions of dollars to clean up. So, before extreme conditions leave you high and dry (or low and wet, as the case may be), check what’s on the pest forecast. In this guide, you’ll learn which pests pop up most frequently after extreme weather events. You’ll also come away better prepared to help protect your business from Mother Nature before and after disaster strikes.
5 Ways to Leave Pests Out in the Cold This Winter
Check out these five tips to help keep pests from crawling around your property and disturbing tenants this winter.
Winter Pest Management Preparation
All warehouses, office spaces and other properties experience wear and tear over time. As temperatures begin to drop, it’s important to inspect your facility for structural deficiencies that can let the cold air creep in – and allow unwanted visitors to settle in for free. Implement a routine maintenance schedule to protect your property from the cold this winter.
What the Buzz is All About: A Breakdown of Common Bees
It’s easy to think of bees as aggressive or harmful, but the truth is, they’re quite beneficial. Bees are pollinators, which means they help plant populations bloom and thrive. So, while they may annoy you at a backyard cookout—or potentially cause an allergic reaction when they sting—bees are also essential stewards of the environment.
Defending the Cottage
Summer isn’t just the perfect time for you to visit your cottage. It’s also the perfect time for pests to come out of hiding and into your summer home.
Top 4 Tips For A Pest-Free Halloween
You may have been tricked by the plastic bats and fake spider webs in your neighbourhood, but the pests trying to make your house their home can be the scariest trick during Halloween. From rodents trying to trick or treat inside your home to flies trying to enjoy your jack-o’-lanterns, pests are always looking for ways to get into the Halloween spirit (and your home). Don’t worry, you’re not alone in trying to pest proof your home, as your Orkin Canada Pro has put together a list of 4 quick tips that will help you keep pests out this Halloween.
Understanding The Impact Of Pest Birds On Your Business
Pest birds invading your commercial property are not only a nuisance, but can also put your business/commercial property, customers and employees at risk. Whether it is potential health risks and hazards that can be associated with bird droppings or liability risks that can lead to legal actions, pest birds can be nothing but trouble. Here are some of the issues that pest birds can bring to your business.
Out Of Office: Keep Your Commercial Building Pest Free
While the variety of vermin may vary from season to season, as a whole, they’re a problem year-round for commercial office buildings — from the breakroom to the board room. But just who are these full-time menaces and what can you do to stop them?
What Every Business Owner Needs To Know About Pest Bird Diseases
Pest birds like pigeons can often be overlooked, but it is important to know that besides being nuisance, these birds can also be a health risk to your customers and employees. From diseases associated with their droppings to parasites that use pest birds to hitch a ride. Here is what every business owner needs to know about the health risks associated with pest birds.
Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back
We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.
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