The Orkin Blog

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What Do Baby Cockroaches Look Like

Just like the adults, baby cockroaches can carry bacteria on their bodies. They transfer these pathogens through contact with food and utensils.

Can Bed Bugs Be Killed By Freezing?

These tough pests are able to breed quickly, hide well, and survive all but the most extreme conditions.

Average Lifespan Of A Squirrel

From an average gestation period of between 39 to 44 days. To their maturity of roughly nine months, the average squirrel life is an interesting one.

The Top Venomous Snakes In Canada

Of the 26 native species of snakes in the country, only four are venomous.

The Average Lifespan Of A Raccoon

The average lifespan of a raccoon in the wild is about five years, but with abundant food and shelter they’re able to survive well past a decade.

Can You See Bed Bugs?

Despite adult bed bugs’ small size, at a length of 4 to 7 mm long, you can see bed bugs with the naked eye.

Do Bats Hibernate?

While bats in warmer climates may never hibernate, most local species wait out Canadian winters by either heading south or going dormant.

What Do Cockroach Eggs Look Like?

Contrary to what some may believe, cockroach egg cases can be seen with the naked eye.

Do Skunks Climb?

Despite its curious nature, the striped skunk isn’t very good at climbing.

What Do Baby Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs lay their sticky eggs on the secluded parts of objects like mattresses, behind headboards, couches and other objects close to sleeping quarters. The eggs hatch into tiny sesame sized whitish baby bed bugs in about six to ten days.

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