Whether it’s vibrant flowers, towering trees or rows of vegetables, adding greenery can enhance the atmosphere and overall appearance of your home. But maintaining a garden isn’t easy—especially when there are thousands of hungry, destructive pests waiting to tear it apart.

One of the keys to ensuring any garden can flourish is keeping it pest-free, and that starts with knowing which crawling critters to look for. Here are a few of the most common pests known to prowl around greenspaces:

  • Aphids: Also known as plant lice, these small bugs feed in large groups, so be vigilant about looking for aphids as they can quickly destroy your plants. 
  • Plant bugs: Flowers and garden plants are food for these plant bugs which can prevent healthy growth in your garden. 
  • Ground beetles: When they’re not hiding under logs, rocks, wood and leaves, these pests are heavily attracted to light. Ground beetles prey on other garden pests but can be very annoying if they come inside your home. 

Once you know which pests to keep an eye out for, it’s time to take preventative steps to keep them away. Simple steps like choosing the right plants and staying on top of maintenance can go a long way in preserving the precious plants you work so hard to grow. Every gardener knows that keeping pests out is a challenge, so download this garden tip sheet to learn how you can fortify your yard against harmful pests

Tip sheet for preventing pests in gardens