
After a day full of adventuring, playing or relaxing outdoors, the last thing you want to find is a tick sucking up your blood. While these pests don’t present much of a threat to well-built homes with maintained exclusionary measures, they can be found feeding on humans or pets after spending time outdoors in wooded areas. If you find a tick on yourself or your furry friend, it is important to remove it as quickly and safely as possible. 

Health Risks

Ticks can transmit over 15 viruses and infections through their bite, so it is important to remove a tick as soon as it is spotted. Lyme disease, one of the more common tick-borne ailments, can affect the heart and nervous system if left untreated, so early detection and medical intervention are crucial. If you experience the following symptoms, contact a medical professional immediately:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Skin rash

How To Remove a Tick

Ticks found on pets or people require cautious and thorough removal to limit the release of dangerous fluids. To remove a tick, follow these three steps:

Grab the tweezers

Using tweezers, grasp the tick behind the head as close to your skin as possible. 

Pull the tick out 

Once you have a hold of the tick, take a deep breath and pull steadily and firmly outward. Be sure to remove the mouthpart completely from the wound. 


Ticks can be dirty, so be sure to wash the infected area with soap and warm water.

To pick a tick off your pet, follow the same steps to leave your furry friend tick-free. Don’t let ticks suck the fun out of the outdoors this summer. For more information on how to prevent ticks from populating your property, call Orkin Canada to learn about tick control for your home.


How To guide to removing ticks