All About Skunks: Identification, Prevention And Removal
Identify skunk dens, understand skunk sprays and remove skunks from your property with expert advice from Orkin Canada.
Are Groundhogs Considered Pests?
Are groundhogs pests? Let’s dive into what they eat, their habits, and what damage they can cause to property.
Bat Removal: Orkin Canada’s Guide On How To Keep Bats Away From Your Home
Protect your home with expert bat removal. Learn how to keep bats away. Call Orkin Canada for professional pest control today.
The Different Types of Snakes Including The Top Venomous Snakes In Canada
Learn about the different types of snakes in Canada including the venomous ones and where they live.
How To Identify Skunk Dens
While they prefer to use the abandoned holes of other burrowing pests, skunks may also opt to make their dens under decks, porches, and sheds.
Where Do Opossums Live?
Opossums, the only marsupials found in North America, are slowly expanding their territory into some Canadian provinces.
How To Keep Bats Away From Your Home
Bats are beneficial to the environment and help control mosquito populations, but they sometimes get too close for comfort.
Should I Be Concerned About the Spiders in My House?
They may give you the creeps, but spiders are really just more of a nuisance than a health hazard. Having one or two spiders in your home isn’t a big deal or cause for concern, but what happens when you start spotting spiders on a regular basis? If cleaning doesn’t improve your situation, you’ll need the help of a pest control professional to remove the pests from your home and stop them from coming back.
The Top Venomous Snakes In Canada
Of the 26 native species of snakes in the country, only four are venomous.
Ban Bats From Your Building
Worried about bats taking a bite out of the Halloween festivities this fall? Even though bats are often associated with this spooky season, you don’t want to see any live ones around your property. To fend off bats, the best course of action is to identify potential nursery locations and prevent these pests from roosting.
Remove pests from your business, and stop them from coming back
We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation consultation today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.
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