How do you trap cockroaches and what types of cockroach traps and sprays are effective for homes? There are different types off cockroaches in Canada. The most common structure infesting cockroach species found in Canada are the German cockroach (Blattella germanica), American cockroach, (Periplaneta americana), brownbanded cockroach (Supella longipalpa) and Oriental cockroach, (Blatta orientalis L.) Roaches may transfer disease-causing germs by crawling over food preparation areas and may also cause homeowners to develop allergies that could lead to asthma.

From sticky cockroach traps to cockroach spray treatments and cockroach dusting powder, here are some options to consider: 

How to Trap Cockroaches at Home

There are a variety of cockroach traps and aerosol sprays to choose from to help control cockroaches. These products can be found in a variety of stores, are readily available and are appropriately labelled and registered products for domestic use. These products are available in various forms such as aerosol spray, baits or dusts. Remember to read product labels prior to application and follow the label instructions.

Sticky Cockroach Traps

Sticky cockroach trap with lure containing multiple dead cockroaches.

Sticky cockroach traps are effective for monitoring and detecting an infestation. Some sticky cockroach traps contain lure in them to actively attract roaches while some are passive without lures. By monitoring cockroach activity, you can detect if you have a problem, identify any problem areas and what type of cockroach is present in your home. Sticky cockroach traps can be part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan, where it is incorporated with other methods of control to effectively control and manage cockroach infestations either at home or within a commercial setting. 

Cockroach Bait Traps

Dead cockroach on its back in front of a cockroach bait station on a wooden floor.

Cockroach bait traps are ready to use bait stations that contain a mixture of insecticide and baits to lure the roaches to feed. They are lined with adhesives to trap and immobilize the cockroaches. Cockroach bait traps are the most effective and safest of all the control methods if used properly, though to effectively control cockroach infestations, multiple cockroach bait traps must be strategically and correctly placed. Baits must be placed in harbourage and foraging sites or in close vicinity. Cockroach bait traps must never be placed in areas accessible to children and pets; they must not be placed in dusty or extremely hot or wet areas.

Remember to replace the cockroach bait traps as needed to ensure effectiveness, follow the product label for safety and effectiveness.

Cockroach Spray Treatment

Dead cockroach on a shiny kitchen counter with a blurred window background.

For quick, direct knock-down, aerosol insecticide spray can be used by a homeowner. Always purchase and use an appropriately domestic-labelled insecticide spray and follow safety and   application instructions on the label. Spray affected areas as per label, remove or cover kitchen or bath items that may become contaminated. Clean sprayed surfaces as directed in the label once control is achieved. Strategic and proper application of a cockroach dust formulation or spray in cracks, crevices, and areas behind appliances and under sinks will kill active cockroach populations and prevent future infestations. 

Homeowners should avoid using foggers, bombs, and commercially registered insecticides for cockroach control in homes due to safety and application concerns. Improper insecticide applications can cause cockroaches to develop resistance to the products making cockroach control difficult, leading to expensive and repeated treatments.

Get Professional Cockroach Treatment from Orkin Canada

Most over-the-counter cockroach control products or home remedies may prove useful for short-term solutions. For effective and long term control of infestations, homeowners  should seek professional assistance. The most effective way to consistently rid homes of cockroach infestation rests in the hiring of trained pest control professionals. Contact Orkin Canada today to learn more about our cockroach control methods.