
When it comes to pest control, we’ve all heard our fair share of rumors about what works best. And let’s be honest—amateur pest fighters love telling others about their latest makeshift solutions. Chances are, you’ve heard a friend or family member boast about how they conquered a rat problem in their own abode. Maybe you’ve traveled deep into the online video abyss and listened to vloggers describe their “proven” ways to keep flies off your property. Or perhaps you’re still holding on to pest control advice you heard decades ago and mistakenly took for fact.

No matter where you’ve picked up your pest knowledge, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction so you can effectively combat these unwanted invaders. Let’s break down a few of the most common (but false) beliefs about pests on the following page:

Rodents Are Attracted To Cheese

If you’ve ever watched cartoons, you’ve probably seen an unsuspecting rodent-like character lured into a trap with a delectable hunk of cheese. You may have even tried such a tactic yourself. But sadly, rats and mice don’t come crawling just because you’ve left a gargantuan cut of gorgonzola in the corner. The reality is that rodents are attracted to all kinds of food items, especially sweets and grains. And even still, preparing a tasty mini-dish isn’t the best way to get rid of rodents. While you may fool them into entering a trap, you may also attract others to the party.

Store-Bought Repellants Can Solve A Fly Or Mosquito Problem

Summertime brings swatting, and it can be tempting to use store-bought repellants like sprays, lamps or torches to quickly deal with flying pests. Unfortunately, even if you manage to stave off these buzzing fiends for a bit, you won’t be solving the root causes of the issue. Oftentimes there’s a larger issue at hand somewhere on your property. A pest management professional can more accurately determine the source of these pests and help you eliminate for the good.

Pests Won’t Enter A Clean Space

Oh, but they will. No matter how much scrubbing, spraying or sanitizing you do, pests can still find ways to make your space habitable. Of course, clearing up clutter can help eliminate pest hiding places, but pests are persistent in their search for food, water and shelter. Your home or business likely offers these in abundance, which means it’s always going to be a prime target for pests.

Placing Traps Is Enough To Catch Every Pest

Sticky traps and light traps can be useful components of a comprehensive pest control strategy, but as standalone prevention measures, they’re not going to solve the issue. Many homeowners and business owners simply set traps, forget about them and then consider their pest prevention box checked. On its own, this technique is nowhere near robust enough to keep pests at bay. Plus, pests piling up in these passively managed traps can create sanitation issues if the traps are not changed regularly.

All Professional Pest Control Services Use Dangerous Chemicals

When you picture a pro pest control treatment, you may think of masked people spraying chemical mist all over your home or building. In reality, a reputable provider will offer you Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions, helping you design a program that focuses primarily on pest exclusion and de-emphasizes chemical treatment methods. Even if chemicals are necessary, you can rest assured that these are safe, and your technician will explain the process in detail before beginning service.

The truth is, there are some wacky theories out there about how to effectively combat pests. That’s why it’s important to know the facts—so you can make informed decisions to fortify your defenses.

Need a quick reference guide for all of this? You can also download our expert tip sheet here.

The Top 5 Pest Control Myths